WHEN 1pm to 5pm, Tuesday 20 September, 2022
WHERE Hyundai Marine Sports Centre, 8/10 Tamaki Drive, Auckland
RSVPTo [email protected] by Tuesday 13 September

Come along to hear about:

How research is informing the development of national PRE guidelines and how this can provide safer environments and opportunities for safer bystander rescue.
How risk assessment of freshwater sites is achieved and how it is being used by Safeswim to increase public safety.


Dr Kevin Moran (DPA)

Public Rescue Equipment – the problems and practice worldwide

Dr Mick Kearney (SLSNZ) & Dr Teresa Stanley (DPA)

Public Rescue Equipment and the establishment of national guidelines

Ants Lowe (DPA)

Freshwater hazard assessment

Holly Foreman (Auckland Council)

Safeswim platform