When: 4.00pm – 6.00pm, Monday 1st July 2019.
Where: 85 Westhaven Drive, Westhaven, Auckland. 


4.00pm: Arrival (Tea & Coffee)

4.15pm: Welcome and Update on DPA e-Learning 

4.25pm: Pania Elliott from Auckland Council
Navigational Safety Bylaw 2014 Review

4.35pm: Stacey Pidgeon from RLSS Australia
 Utilising models and frameworks to assess drowning risk
and to guide prevention strategies

5.05pm: Teresa Stanley from Drowning Prevention Auckland
Are older adults at increased risk of drowning?

5.25pm: Dr Kevin Moran from Drowning Prevention Auckland
Can you get in (safely)?

5.45pm: Panel / Questions

6.00pm: Refreshments